Author: Ryanne DeSpain
In collaboration with DESE, IPP has developed the 2023 Educator Preparation Programs' (EPP) Annual Performance Report (APR) with data on the 42 EPPs included in the report from across the state. The APR is being used to produce an interactive, public facing dashboard that provides an overview of the performance of EPPs as well as the entire state. The dashboard is nearing the final stages of development, with plans to analyze and expand its snapshot of educator preparation in the future. As one piece of the data collection for the EPP APR, IPP will begin distributing the Spring 2024 first-year teacher, counselor, and school leader surveys in March.
Project Team Members: Ryanne DeSpain, MPP; Wayne Mayfield, PhD; Elizabeth Knight, PhD candidate
Funder: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Contact: Ryanne DeSpain, ryanne.despain@missouri.edu, 573-882-9724