Undergraduate Political Science Honors Capstone

The Truman School’s Honors Capstone in Political Science (POL_SC 4996) allows Political Science students a unique opportunity in their senior year to go beyond the classroom and extend their knowledge to work on new and unique projects. There is virtually no limit to the type of projects you may work on. Recent projects include:

  • analyses of the Electoral College and the uneven weighting of citizens’ votes
  • press freedom in Brazil
  • the status of “sanctuary” cities and counties in the United States
  • the impact of satirical news programs on the voting behavior of young citizens
  • factors influencing voter turnout on Native American reservations
  • the influence of nationalism, history, and public opinion on the relationship between China and Japan.

Students approved to enroll in POL_SC 4996 will engage in original research over the course of two semesters under the supervision of a faculty mentor, culminating in a 40-50 page honors thesis. In order to graduate with departmental honors, students must earn a grade of B or higher on the honors thesis as well as a minimum cumulative MU GPA of 3.25.

If interested, please read through the details of the capstone requirements and complete the application here. If you have questions about the application, please reach out to Professor Bill Horner at HornerWT@missouri.edu.

Mizzou's Office of Undergraduate Research also offers additional opportunities for research, scholarship, and creative activity.