Research on the nature and working of political frameworks around the world by investigating similarities and differences in political institutions, behavior, and policy around the world.

Research on the relationship between gender, race, ethnicity and phenomena in politics and public policy.

Research on the creation of global public goods such as peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets, and unified standards for trade and industry. Global policies aim to improve lives across the globe and reduce the likelihood and impact of any event that reduces the health, welfare, and security of people around the globe.

Research on the way people think, feel, and act, regarding politics and policy, including voting and elections, public opinion, political knowledge, political protest, and political mobilization.

Research on the relationship between politics, economic systems, and institutions to understand markets, poverty, welfare, inequality, taxation, economic growth, and government regimes.

Research on how rules and practices guide and constrain political choices and activities. Researchers in this area focus on legislative, executive, and judicial institutions at all levels of government both domestically and internationally.

Research on the meaning and historical development of concepts of power, justice, rights, law, and other issues related to governance.

The assessment of whether public policies and programs are meeting their objectives, as well as identifying which policy options are most efficient and feasible in solving problems.

Research on the implementation of public policy and the role of public and non-profit organizations in ensuring accountability, responsiveness, efficiency, and social equity in the administration of public policy.

Research on improving the management and leadership of public and non-profit organizations to meet public demands and solve problems.

Research on public efforts to solve problems, which focuses on how policy is created, how it is designed, and its impact.
Research on how to design effective methodologies and research designs to study social and political phenomena.

Research on political institutions, elections, governance, policy, and management of state and local governments including states, cities, counties, and special districts in the United States, as well as sub-national governments in other countries.