After a legislative tour around state government in Missouri, Kelly Schultz returns to MU as a member of the Truman School staff.
Schultz is returning to the university as the Director of the Legislative Leadership Academy as a joint appointment with the Truman School of Government and Public Affairs and MU Extension & Engagement. This brand-new position will serve as a bridge between the Missouri General Assembly and the university. Schultz will also support political science and public affairs undergraduates in locating internships.
“The Legislative Leadership Academy excites me because investing in the legislature is important,” Schultz said. “We can provide leadership development, research, and share our expertise. University staff and faculty are a true resource for legislators.” Schultz continued, “The Legislative Leadership Academy will be developed in partnership with the General Assembly. We are considering several models that have been successful in other states and will be incorporating the best ideas from those models into our own.”
Upon graduating with a bachelor of arts in political science and master's in public administration from the University of Missouri, Schultz spent twelve years working in the legislature before being appointed the Child Advocate for the State of Missouri. Right before joining the Truman School, Schultz served as the Director of Policy and Partnership for the Missouri State Alliance of YMCAs.
Coming back to MU is a full circle moment for Schultz. “My internship, education, and Mizzou connections led to a fulfilling career. I’m honored to be part of providing opportunities for the next generation.”
“I love the University of Missouri,” Schultz said. “I completed my undergrad and grad school degrees here, run the coaches’ elevator for football, and have been a part of all but two of the homecoming parades since 1995. When I nearly tripped over a squirrel this week, I felt like I was right back at home.”
A person appreciative of the boldness of campus squirrels is a perfect fit for Mizzou. Welcome to the Truman School!