Status of Women in Academia

Graduate Research Assistant, Suzette Nahach, working in conjunction with the University of Missouri Status of Women Committee (SWC), has published a policy brief entitled “Status of Women in Academia.” Nahach, a Master’s student at the Truman School of Public Affairs, presents this informational brief outlining several key trends regarding the institutional experiences of women on college campuses. A main genesis for the brief is the phenomenon known as the “leaky pipeline,” which describes the discrepancy between the number of women receiving PhDs and the number of women eventually working in academia, most notably as tenure-track professors. This brief will focus on three barriers that contribute to this phenomenon: burdens on research productivity, overburdening academic housework, and biased teaching conditions. After examining relevant literature, information from the University of Missouri will be used to illustrate the local landscape and then this information will be used to suggest best practices and recommendations for the university system, departmental deans/chairs, and individuals.