Seventeen students from Truman School’s Mizzou Model UN recently traveled to Chicago to participate in the American Model United Nations conference and won four awards, more than any other school in the competition.
The Mizzou Model UN had two delegations competing in Chicago, as Honduras and Palestine and took home individual awards for:
- Palestine in the General Assembly Plenary
- Palestine in the General Assembly Second Committee
- Palestine in the General Assembly Third Committee
- One of the overall Best Delegation awards for representing Palestine.
The Mizzou Model UN is part of the Truman School’s Office of Participatory Democracy, which is led by Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor Dr. Bill Horner. The OPD was created to support activities giving students practical, hands-on experience in applying the skills they learn in the classroom.
"I am very impressed with the hard work and dedication of the students on the Mizzou Model UN team and I am proud of this great achievement by them,” said Dr. Horner.
Congratulations to these students on their accomplishments!
(In the photo: Back row: Trey Trapani, Maggie Funston, Eli Blair, Heath Bana, Elisha Schoor; Middle row: Aaron Mejia, Michael Warner, Luke Pittman, Carly Gordon, Andrew Deyoe; Bottom row: Gwen Blevins, Fabiana Baya, Ale Vargas, Jaden Reed, Edilberto de Oliveira)