A. Cooper Drury

Dean of the College of Arts & Science
317 Lowry Hall, 513 S. Ninth Street

Cooper Drury is the Dean of the College of Arts and Science and Professor in the Truman School of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. He earned his BA and MA from Michigan State University and his PhD from Arizona State University.

His primary research and teaching interests focus on foreign policy. Specifically, he studies the causes, outcomes, and consequences of economic sanctions. Professor Drury has authored or co-authored two books, an award-winning textbook, and over two dozen articles and chapters.

A committed teacher, Professor Drury has trained 25 doctoral students and has been awarded multiple teaching and mentorship awards. In his field, Professor Drury served as editor-in-chief of Foreign Policy Analysis, as the 2016 International Studies Association program co-chair, was awarded the Foreign Policy Analysis Distinguished Scholar Award, Quincy Wright Distinguished Scholar Award, and the Ladd Hollist Service Award.

At the University of Missouri, he has served as department chair, on the faculty council and intercampus faculty council, and led numerous campus and system-level committees.

Global Policy and Governance