Kristi Ressel

PhD Student
E004 Locust Street Bldg., 615 Locust Street

Kristi Ressel is a doctoral student in the Truman School of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. Her research interest lies in evaluating health policies and programs in the US, with a particular concentration on the rural context. Her recent work has examined the impact of Medicaid Expansion from the provider perspective. She has been published in the Journal of Performance Management with Dr. Julie Kapp, Beau Underwood, MPA MDiv, and Dr. Kathleen Quinn. Kristi also has a forthcoming publication in the American Journal of Managed Care with Dr. Jake Haselswerdt, Emmie Harcourt, MPA, Dr. Sara Gable, and Dr. Kathleen Quinn. 

Kristi holds a Master’s in Public Health degree with an emphasis in Health Policy and Promotion. Prior to her doctoral work, Kristi was a Senior Research Analyst for the Institute of Public Policy where she served as principal investigator on a project funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services evaluating the national initiative to reduce teenage pregnancy rates using evidence-based programs in Missouri. She has extensive experience and expertise in program evaluation and project coordination, including mixed method approaches to data collection, management, and analysis (e.g. Missouri Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program and St. Louis County Project R.E.S.T.O.R.E. (Reconciliation and Empowerment to Support Tolerance and Race Equity)).  

Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis