School Climate Survey

To assist the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) with their school improvement process, IPP is developing the Missouri School Climate and Culture Survey (MSCCS), which will be used to gather the perceptions of students, parents, and certificated school staff regarding the quality and character of school experiences, including academic, social, and safety domains.

Program Performance Evaluation of the Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five

Since 2020, IPP has worked with Missouri’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to evaluate the $33.5 million Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five. Awarded by the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education, the purpose of the grant is to help the state coordinate a more effective, high-quality early learning system for Missouri’s children and families.

United WE Update on Occupational Licensing and Women Entrepreneurs in Missouri

IPP has produced several reports for the United WE regarding occupational licensing in Missouri.  Since those reports were published, United WE and the state of Missouri have made progress reducing barriers related to state licensing requirements that disproportionately affect women.  IPP will produce a brief to update the findings of the previous research, examine the progress made toward reducing barriers to licensing in Missouri and considerations for opportunities to continue to reduce barriers.

Strategic Threats and Opporunities in the 2020s: Join us Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Welcome to a fantastic panel that features prestigious experts in international politics with extensive high-level experience in the military, academia, and foreign policymaking, respectively. The panelists will discuss what they see as the key strategic threats and opportunities facing the United States in the coming decade. The event celebrates the newly formed Truman School of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. Registration is NOT required. RSVP is requested for planning purposes.
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